Conductive PVC Floor Coverings

Conductive PVC Floor Coverings

"Conductive PVC Flooring" is classified as a type of homogeneous flooring designed for specific purposes.

Here are some key features:

- Homogeneous Structure: Conductive PVC floorings have a consistent composition throughout.

- Full Conductivity: They are fully conductive, enabling the dissipation of static electricity.

- High Durability: These floorings exhibit high strength

- Tile or Roll Format: They are available in both tile and roll formats.

- 2 mm Thickness: Typically, they have a thickness of 2 mm.

- **Limited Pattern and Color Options:** The design and color choices are often limited, emphasizing functionality over aesthetics.

- Specialized ApplicationThe application technique and materials used may differ from other types of flooring, and they require installation by a professional team.

These floorings are used to ground accumulated static electricity in the environment. In areas where static electricity can cause issues, such as disruptions or damage to electronic equipment, these floorings provide a solution. They contain carbon filaments that aid in conducting and grounding the electrical charge in the environment.

Conductive PVC floor coverings are not known for a wide range of patterns and designs, usually featuring non-directional, granite, or sandy patterns. The primary focus is on functionality rather than aesthetics. They are commonly used in environments where sensitive electronic equipment is prevalent, such as hospital operation rooms, data centers, or technical maintenance areas.

Applications include:

- Hospital Operation Areas (Operating Theaters, etc.)
- Data Centers
- Technical Maintenance Services
- Server Rooms

It's important to note that these applications are critical environments where the dissipation of static electricity is crucial to prevent interference or damage to electronic equipment.
